How To Remove Cockroaches From Microwave Oven?

How To Remove Cockroaches From Microwave Oven?

The only way you invite cockroaches crawling inside and around your microwave is a lack of routine hygiene. 

But before dialing a pest control and researching how to remove cockroaches from a microwave oven, clean your microwave daily to keep these filthy pests out.

You might think that cockroaches can’t stand the microwave radiation and heat, but in reality, the waves do not affect them at all. 

And in addition, if the cavity is dirty with week-old food crumbs everywhere, then congratulations, you have hosted the gala party for roaches.

But don’t worry as we have listed some affordable pest-proofing solutions to end your nightmare.

5 Affordable Ways To Get Rid Of Cockroaches In The Microwave Oven

Use Repellents

Besides regular cleaning, using repellant is the best way to deter this creepy pest. 

Use Repellents

But commercial repellants come with various side effects for you and your loved ones and are abrasive on certain things like the microwave coating.

However, you can easily repel roaches with some daily use ingredients like your mouthwash which must have a strong composition of essential oils like menthol, eucalyptol, mint as pests can’t stand the strong smell and maintain a safe distance. 

Just make a simple mixture of water, mouthwash, and dishwashing soap to spray frequently in the infested areas.

If you do not want to use mouthwash then try eucalyptus or mint essential oils, they will also get the job done.

Chlorine bleach is another easily available and potent roach repellant that you must sprinkle around the kitchen sink, the most preferred way for the cockroaches to freely walk into your kitchen and hide in kitchen appliances like microwave invading your peace.

But for effective lasting impact, you can try synthetic repellants such as Deet (N, N-diethyl-3-toluamide) but with utmost precaution or best leave it to a professional.

Set Baits & Traps For Cockroaches

If your microwave interior is already greasy with scattered food crumbs, then you have already set the bait unknowingly to attract cockroaches. 

Set Baits & Traps For Cockroaches

But we are sure you don’t want the nasty sight of dead cockroaches in the microwave cavity and then use your microwave to cook food in it comfortably.

So, clean your microwave regularly after every use and set the bait somewhere else. 

These pests get easily attracted to food. So use food as bait. 

Mix the food with insecticide and place it outside your microwave, make sure the microwave door is closed at all times so that they do not crawl back inside the cavity and die there. 

Believe us it will be gross to watch and clean.

Another way is to use cockroach glue. 

The cockroach glue is very commonly used along with food crumbs or pellets to tempt roaches and when they walk on the glue they get stuck to the adhesive paper.

Besides this, you can also try the DIY method by using a simple jar with some raisins inside as bait. Then insert a paper sheet to make a smooth entryway for the cockroaches and apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly in the edges of the jar opening to prevent their escape. 

If your microwave is heavily invaded by roaches, then you will need to set more traps to get rid of all these pests.

This method will certainly not work on eggs these pests have laid in your kitchen or inside the microwave.

Use Diatomaceous Earth

For self pest-control, you can also consider diatomaceous earth, a naturally occurring insecticide, or sand with fossilized algae. 

Use Diatomaceous Earth

Though the natural composition seems harmless for domestic use, here is the caution to mind while buying.

Diatomaceous earth is marketed in two variants as food-grade, which is safe for home use as pesticide and consumption, while the filter grade label denotes extensive industrial use, and is highly toxic for mammals.

But to clean a dirty microwave or any other infested kitchen appliance, don’t sprinkle this insecticide directly inside the cavity to stay safe from toxicity. 

To use diatomaceous earth safely and effectively, properly clean your microwave, and then sprinkle a thin layer of the food-grade earth powder around it. 

It dehydrates the body of roaches when they walk over this power and die. 

This method is effective because when other roaches feast on the body of a dead cockroach it dies too and so on. 

However, if your home has turned into a pest haven, consider getting full house pest control than spreading insecticide in selected spaces as you might be successful in getting rid of some but not all.

Call Pest Control

While you may try all our effective roach control ideas to prevent roaches from invading your kitchen, you cannot stop them from challenging your peace if your microwave or kitchen has turned into their breeding ground. 

Call Pest Control

And we all know how fast they breed and multiply to soon claim your home as theirs.

So, without wasting time and money in buying expensive repellants, dial your nearest pest control to give your entire home a much-needed deep cleansing treatment. 

To ensure these creepy pests don’t dare see you again, maintain regular home hygiene and keep your surroundings clean by sprinkling repellants as needed.

Keep Your Microwave Clean

No matter how strong repellants you use, cockroaches won’t mind sacrificing themselves to visit your dirty microwave, feeding on the residue and breath their lasts right there in the cavity.

Keep Your Microwave Clean

If you don’t want to witness this nasty sight, the only solution to prevent roaches in the microwave is to clean it daily and after every use.

Besides cleaning, make sure your microwave also smells refreshing with no cooking odor, as cockroaches are very much drawn to this particular smell, even if there are no food crumbs inside. 

So, ultimately cleanliness is the only safe way to prevent roaches or bugs in a microwave.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a cockroach survive in the microwave?

How do you think this 200 million years old pest has survived this long? 

If you think that microwave radiation will kill cockroaches then you should know that they are ineffective on these tough creatures because roaches have a slower cell cycle and simple body structure.

Let’s understand why?

If you hold a cockroach over direct heat, it will die of course, but the microwave mechanism is a bit different. 

When you turn on the appliance, it takes some time for the heat to spread throughout the entire cavity, giving enough time for a cockroach to find a hiding place.

Also, some parts of the microwave do not heat up and remain at an ideal temperature for the cockroaches to safely survive while the microwave is cooking food.

Besides this simple science, these pests will quickly escape through the vents when they sense heat. 

And once you turn off the microwave and take the food bowl out without cleaning, they reappear to feast on the left behind food crumbs and residue.

Can cockroaches damage the microwave?

Yes, cockroaches will damage your microwave if you do not act when you spot one inside or near your appliance or in the kitchen. 

Cockroaches are pests for a reason, the prime being as potent disease carriers and next as voracious eaters. 

So if you notice cockroaches crawling over or inside your microwave, the first thing to ensure is proper hygiene. 

You cannot allow them to invade your kitchen or microwave as their secretion is abrasive on the internal wiring and other electrical parts

Their secretion can corrode the chip and delicate wiring inside your microwave leaving it unusable or even cause a spark if the damage is severe.

If your microwave is in unused condition for several days, cockroaches can even lay eggs, multiply, poop, and die creating a mess inside. 

How do roaches survive inside a microwave?

While you cautiously use a microwave to avoid burn, but for the cold-blooded cockroaches, it is their ideal warm nest to live, feed, and breed.

Wondering, what makes them immune to radiation? 

The credit goes to their simple body design and slower cell cycle that makes them tolerate and survive high radiation and even nuclear explosions. 

If you are thinking it is the post-cooking heat we are talking about favorable for the roaches, here is the shocker for you. 

As the radiation produced by the magnetron is reflected back to the center after hitting the walls, these creepy pests can easily survive the heat during cooking by hiding in the less heated spaces of the cavity.

Shocking isn’t it? So, if you are worried about how to remove cockroaches from microwave oven, clean it regularly including the surroundings to remove food debris that can attract this filthy insect.

How to remove cockroaches from microwave oven door?

Spotted that creepy moving antenna on your microwave oven door? 

Get that roach out immediately to ensure food hygiene and smooth functioning of the microwave.

If you have a high-end microwave, removing the door will be easier for its convenient detachable feature while for an old model, do it cautiously. 

You can also dial the help center or follow the manual that comes with your microwave.

Once you are done disassembling the microwave oven door, remove the cockroach manually either by wearing gloves or with a prop, and dispose it off immediately outside.  

Now make an easy home disinfecting cleaner with water and white vinegar to clean the door off any food residue and oil build-ups. 

We suggest cleaning the oven door quite often to deter roaches from getting inside the microwave.

Also, make sure to never leave your microwave door open, as it will give an easy entry to these insects.

A dirty microwave with week-old food debris and residue is an instant temptation for the roaches. 

So, maintain proper hygiene to protect your home and health from pest contamination.

How to remove cockroaches from microwave oven display?

We feel happy delivering solutions to your every problem, but roaches in your microwave oven display? 

That’s screaming utter unhygienic way of living. 

So before serving solutions to remove roaches from the microwave display, swear by to clean this kitchen appliance after every use.

Roaches harbor inside your microwave as they love dark, warm places and later spread to inspect other areas like the panel displays through vents or gnawing their way. 

To do it yourself, first, unplug the appliance and then unscrew the display cover or best call customer support to keep it convenient and money-saving. 

Be prepared to spot roach droppings and eggs, which you can dry clean with a brush, mind the wiring while you are at it. 

Cleaning a touchpad is even trickier, so do it carefully, and after assembling everything back, clean the exterior with a soft damp cloth dipped in the water-vinegar solution and then pat dry immediately with a microfiber cloth.

If you are not confident, it’s best to take your microwave to a professional rather than experimenting on your own and damaging any delicate wiring in the process.

Can you microwave a cockroach?

Aren’t the creepy sight of roaches crawling inside the oven is enough that you are planning to microwave and execute them right there? 

Ditch this idea as we already explained why microwave radiation is totally ineffective on them and we don’t think the sight of these dead bugs inside the cavity will let you cook comfortably in the future.

So, instead of considering microwaving them in circulating radiation which is actually warm and comfortable for the cold-blooded roaches, ensure daily home hygiene especially, in your kitchen.

Not only microwaves but any electrical appliances that you use to store food or cook are a haven for the roaches to settle permanently for easy access to food and water. 

So make microwave cleaning a routine work after every use and keep your kitchen sink and counter clean by trying any of our DIY remedies mentioned in this article before your home turns into a pest colony.

Why are there cockroaches in my microwave?

Before alleging the roaches for getting in your microwave, blame it on your lack of hygiene sense or mere ignorance. 

There is no denying that cockroaches can instantly sense food and access it in no time, but sadly they don’t have hands to open the microwave door and get in.

So if you have roaches in the microwave, this is because of your plain ignorance of leaving the door opened after use and not cleaning it properly. 

The only way to prevent roaches from getting near the microwave is to wipe clean the food residue and oil splatter every time after cooking including the surroundings and kitchen counter with our recommended DIY solutions.

Follow these simple tips to never see the roaches in your microwave again.

Why do roaches like microwave ovens?

Roaches like to settle their colony in dark, warm, and undisturbed places, and this is why you can spot them harboring inside the household appliances like a microwave.

Even if you use the oven regularly but keep it dirty with food debris and splattered oil inside, roaches will only hide safely during cooking and will reappear later to munch on the left-behinds.

They can easily get inside the microwave through vents, openings, or the door if you often keep it open.

For the cold-blooded cockroaches, the warm interior of the microwave after switch-off provides an ideal ambiance to hatch eggs. 

So a microwave is in every way more beneficial than harmful for the roaches to settle, feed, and breed unless you are serious about cleanliness.

How to stop roaches from getting in the microwave?

Cockroaches hate cleanliness and avoid places with no food and water.

So if you want to kick them out permanently, maintain utmost hygiene by cleaning food crumbs and residue from the microwave after daily cooking.

Besides this, wash the kitchen sink with baking soda and vinegar solution to loosen grime and dirt down the pipe as these also attract the roaches and they make this their favorite entryway into your kitchen.

Take your routine home hygiene seriously so that you don’t have to call an exterminator to execute an entire pest colony in your home. 

You must also clean the kitchen counter where you chop vegetables and dispose of the left-behinds in a closed trash can as roaches love invading the bin in search of food and can eventually make way inside your microwave while inspecting the kitchen. 

For effective prevention, spray insecticides in sinkholes and cracks if you spot a cockroach to discourage them from frequenting your kitchen.

Final Thoughts

We hope that by now you know how to remove cockroaches from microwave oven. 

Cockroaches multiply fast and will invade your entire kitchen in a month.

So make sure to keep your kitchen clean and take immediate action if you spot one of these pests in your kitchen appliance. 

They not only lay eggs inside your microwave but their secretion can damage the wirings making your microwave unusable. 

So clean your microwave after use not only to prevent roaches from entering your appliance but also to keep it odor-free and smelling fresh.

Were you able to get rid of cockroaches in your microwave oven? Let us know in the comment section.

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